Dive In: The Blue Whale Project

Donation amount: $0.00

Payment Period


*Your comment will be displayed on https://projectdal.ca/bluewhale/#backers
Please email at Leslie.Harnish@dal.ca if you would like to have multiple inscriptions for your multiple seats

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Tell us about yourself...

What is your affiliation with Dalhousie?

Affiliation Info

Alumni Info

Faculty/Staff Info

Where do you live?

Or Region/District/County/Territory
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How would you like to be recognized?

Occasionally, donor lists are published by faculties to recognize their donors. Do you wish to have your name included?
Check this box if you want to give anonymously. By checking yes, your gift will remain confidential and only the Office of Advancement will be notified.
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If you are Dalhousie faculty or staff, you can name a seat by Payroll deduction